
Friday, April 26, 2013


 I was over at Lynn's place and found this great meme, so I'm playing along.  The meme Random 5 Friday is hosted by Nancy  over at A Rural Journal.  Hop over and check it out.  These are my 5 random thoughts for today.

1.  My mom taught me how to make Chicken and Dumplings a long time ago.

2.  Our son, Tommy, picked it up from me and added a little extra to the recipe.  His Chicken and Dumplings are YUMMY!!  He made some for supper the other night.

3.  And of course the twins were right there watching and getting in the dough and flour.  Maybe they will be the next generation to make Chicken and Dumplings.

Luke holding up a piece of dough.

4.  Now he's trying to eat it.  He didn't like it very well. lol

5.  And Bella got flour all over her.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Bella and Luke are trying to learn to play together.  Most of the time they don't, but once in awhile they get together, like here.  This is a plastic table with removable legs.  It is usually in the front room.  But together they both dragged it into the kitchen.  They then started taking the legs off  the table and then putting the legs back on the table.

Friday, April 19, 2013


It started raining yesterday afternoon about 1:30pm.  It rained until 5:00am this morning.  We got about 5 to 6 inches of rain all together.  When I got up this is what greeted me.  I'm living in a castle surrounded by a moat!  There is water on 3 sides of our house.  I haven't seen it this bad in the 30+ years we have lived here.  Remember the shot I took yesterday of the BBQ area??  It is now under water.  You can just see the top of the table.  If you click on the pictures you can see them much better.
Plus the front yard is under water too.  Looking to the west.
Looking out of the garage.
Looking to the east.  Hubby had to move the truck to the back yard drive way.  It's not under water, yet!
The east side of the yard is water too along with the neighbors.
Thank goodness our house is a little higher than the low spots.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


There are lots of signs that spring is here.  The temps are coming up and everything is getting green.  Some of the spring flowers are blooming too.  The Forsythia Bush is in full bloom.
The Grape Hyacinth's and Tulips are blooming.
And of course it's not spring around here unless you have water, lots of it.  Our lake is back you can see.  It's slowly creeping up to our BBQ area.
Hopefully it won't get that far.  It started raining about 1:30 this afternoon, it's now 7:00pm and it's still raining.  I don't think the drain can handle all this water.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


One day last week, when it wasn't raining, which it's been doing almost every day for the last week, we took Bella and Luke outside for a little while.  It was chilly enough they had to wear a jacket.  And they even had clothes and shoes on.  lol  They didn't like the shoes too well.  But once they were outside they got used to them.  Me, Bella and Luke were sitting in the swing and I just started snapping pictures of them.  I think they turned out pretty good, considering I wasn't even trying to get a good shot of them.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Heather over at It's Geek to Me is the host for Theme-A-Licious.  Hop over and check out what everyone is working on this month.

As for me, I'm working on my Coloring Book Quilt.  I laid out the first two rows to decide what fabric I wanted to put with the applique blocks.  I was leaning towards the stripe, but the pink looks really good.  This is the stripe fabric, it's a little too bold for me.  I think this will be the binding on the quilt.

This pink really sets the applique blocks off.
So what do you think?  Let me know, ok.  And don't forget to go to Heather's place. Oh, I almost forgot.  I've cropped these pictures so they are kind of small, but if you click on the pictures you can see them much bigger.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Bella "horsing around" with mommy.  Giddy Up mommy!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


The plant where my hubby worked for 32 years is being torn down to make way for a new building.  There is a new business coming in there.  Not sure what it is yet.  The building went through several owners over the years.  It started out as the Farnsworth factory, they made short wave radio's.   In 1948 RCA bought Farnsworth out.  It became the RCA plant.  During the 32 years my hubby worked there the RCA was sold to GE and later to Thomson Corporation of France.  The plant closed it's doors in 1997 and now it's all being torn down.  This is where the VLS was located.  They made Big Screen TV's here.
They are also recycling the cement into gravel.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I've been working on my Coloring Book Quilt.  Hope to get the first and second rows together.  This is just one block of several that I've got done and so far it's my favorite one out of the bunch I've made.  
It actually looks like a fish.  Anyway all the patterns came out of the twin's coloring book.  This is the fabric I'm using for the empty blocks next to the appliqued ones.  Well, one of these anyway, haven't made up my mind yet which one to use.


Do you have a person or persons that you just can't seem to get a good snap shot of them?  I do, it's our son.  He's always looking away, looking up, or I get the back of his head.  Perfect example are these three shots.
He's cooking...
Sitting on the couch...
and another one on the couch...
Even on the computer..
As you can see, or can't see is his face.  Maybe it's me or him, I'm not sure.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Luke was playing in the clothes hamper, when along came Bella.  She decided she wanted to get in too. 
Move over sissy.
Perfect fit!!
Grandma's taking pictures bubby, come on smile.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


While I was out yesterday I stopped at Jo-Ann Fabrics.  I was looking for some fabric to go with my Coloring Book Quilt.  I found 2 that I like, now I have to decide which one to use.  Both fabrics have shades of pink.  The striped one has a purple stripes with some pink and the light pink is a small polka dot print.  I'm thinking about using the striped one.  Turn the blocks so one is going horizontal and the other one vertical.  I could use the pink dot print as a border or as the binding.
And I got another block done.  It's a cat in a hat, no not the Dr. Seuss one.    I also got a puppy in a hat but the picture didn't turn out really good.  The fabric is light so it take very good.

Monday, April 1, 2013


I haven't had a haircut since October of last year.  So I was getting a little shaggy.
I went today for a hair cut.
This is the hair that Tammy cut.
This is the hair all piled up.
This is the new hair cut, you could say it's new and improved.  lol
This is Tammy.  She's been cutting my hair for about 15 years.  She's awesome!!