
Sunday, May 10, 2015


Anyone out there use a Wood Stove??  We heat with a wood stove.  It's our main heat source in the winter.  We also have a Gas Furnace as back up.  This winter our wood stove was smoking really bad.  I mean the stove pipes were leaking smoke.  Every time you opened the door......poof, out came the smoke.  So we got to checking it out and the Chimney was blocked with Creosote.     So the chimney needed a good cleaning.  Our son put a mirror in the chimney but couldn't see any light at the top.  That bright light in the mirror is the top of the chimney. 

 The nearest Chimney Sweep was 100 miles away and cost too much.  So he found  a place on the internet that sold parts for a Chimney Sweep.  Sent away for it and the darn thing really worked.  We took a big wheelbarrow of Creosote out of the chimney.  I don't mean the flaky stuff, it was like rocks.   Next came the stove pipe.  It needed to be replaced.  This is the mess you have when working on a stove pip.
We finally got the whole thing back together and the stove works great now. 

1 comment:

  1. Talk about real life drama! This is fascinating. The mirror shot inspired. We aren't permitted woodfires in the suburbs.


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