
Thursday, June 15, 2017


Tamar over at Random-osity is the host for Little Things Thursday.  Hop over and check out what everyone is sharing today.
There's nothing like hopping in the pool on a very hot sultry summer day.  We bought the twins a kiddie pool to play in.  They like playing in water.  They aren't particular about what kind of water.  It can be a hose, a muddy puddle, or the water feature in our back yard.
The "pond" took a beating for the winter, so now we have to re-work it, but the kids seem to not care what it looked like.  So we went and got the kiddie pool.  They had so much fun.
I can't believe they are getting so big now.  Don't know if I've told you before, but both kids are Autistic.  They are doing so great in school, they both are going to FIRST GRADE next year.  Bella is very excited about that.   Bub could care less, he's not very fond of school.  He would rather stay home and be on his computer.  It really is the little things in life that gives you the most pleasure!

I'm also linking up with LA Paylor over at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursdays.


  1. nice like! I need to buy Milo a pool soon! He might transfer his digging needs to splashing ones. I linked you up my friend!

  2. ...I can relate to your grandson, I always loved mud puddles and disliked school.

  3. Summer without a pool for kids just doesn't seem like summer at all. The kids are gorgeous! Have fun and stay cool!


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!