
Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Tuesday is always a busy day here at my blog...I've got so much to post...I sometimes forget things or I didn't get anything done at all for the week. As for last week...I was niece came to stay for a couple weeks.  She is learning to quilt, sew, and embroider.  So I was busy showing her how to do this....she is pretty good...some boo boo's along the way, put she seems to catch on pretty fast.(pictures next week)

To-To Tuesday May 19th-25th
1. Cut binding for Scrappy Quilt
2. Sandwich the ABC Quilt not done
3. Finish my book...Green Lake
4. Learn a new embroidery stitch
5. Work on Frog hanging (which may turn into a quilt) not done

The Scrappy Quilt is tied and the binding is almost more side to do, then add the label
 Didn't get the ABC Quilt sandwiched....but I did finish my book.  Green Lake by S. K. Epperson.  You can see my review over at Just Books!!!!

I started a new book, All Lies by Andrew Cunningham.

A seemingly innocent date gone tragically wrong plunges Del Honeycutt into a web of murder, lies, greed, and a hidden fortune dating back to a crime committed 85 years earlier by his great-grandfather.

Teaser Tuesday
      "I don't think so," she said.  "She wasn't killed here, so I don't think they'd have any reason to.  Evan if they did," she add, "they would do it for the nights she was here, not for an hour ago."

Over at Pintangle this week, the embroidery stitch is Basque Stitch...this is my Basque Stitch...
The new embroidery stitch I learned is Whipped Chain....
I think I had a pretty good week...I got several things on my list done last week.  As for next week's To-Do list...

To-Do List May 26th-June 1st

1. Sandwich ABC Quilt
2. Tie ABC Quilt
3.  Cut binding for ABC Quilt
4. Learn a new embroidery stitch

Hope you have an awesome.....


  1. Hi Sherrie! Yay for you on showing your niece how to get started with quilting. Way to keep the love going! Great job on your list and especially the embroidery stitches. Each time I see your rainbow Tuesday it makes me happy. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. The book sounds so good! I am always drawn to books with secrets and lies.

  3. Your teaser sounds great. Hope you are enjoying it! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  4. I think it sounds fun to learn a new embroidery stitch each week! Hope you get your ABC quilt sandwiched - I have one of those on my list this week, too!

  5. Oh look at those cute lady bugs!! Your weeks sound so fun sewing with your niece.

  6. That book looks really good. Another book to add to my growing list! Have a great week!


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!