
Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 My To-Do Tuesday list from 6/ 7/5

1. Sandwich a couple quilts!!!!!👎

2. Finish putting the Flags together.✔

3.  Start sewing Granny Squares together.👎

4. Lay out Pink Baskets and see what to do.👎

5.Put the quilting room back to normal.👎

I didn't do too good this week on my list.  1 out of 5 is all I managed to do.  I was concentrating on getting Zoe's flags done.  She leaves to go back home on Friday, and I want to get it done so she can take it home.  It is all together, just needs sandwiched, tied and bound.  I'll be working on that the rest of the week.  And speaking of sandwiching, while I have my cutting table out, I'll sandwich a couple more quilt.  I got the border on Zoe's quilt, so it's a filmsy now.

Now I need to shift things around so I can get my cutting table out.  

I did get a couple blocks pinned last night.  

My list for July 6th through July 11th.

1. Sandwich quilts.

2. Lay out Pink Baskets.

3, Put quilt room in order.

Hope you all have a great....



  1. Zoe's flag quilt is so, so cute! Good luck with your list this week and stay cool.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Flags filmsy is pretty good. Sandwich and quilt is the hard process for me.
    Good lucky on your list for this week Sherrie.


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!