Tuesday, November 2, 2021


It's Tuesday, so that's means it To-Do Tuesday...you can check out everyone's lists over at Linda's place, Texas Quilt Gal...she's the host for To-Do Tuesday.  So I've got a list from last week of what I was "planning" on doing"....well that didn't go to good.  

1. Tie Candy Hearts๐Ÿ‘Ž

2. Cut binding for Candy Hearts๐Ÿ‘Ž

3.  Work on Alexis's Quilt.✔

Only got one thing done this past week...work on Alexis's Quilt.  I've kind of been obsessed with getting this quilt to filmsy stage.  It's all I've worked on for the last few weeks.  I laid it out on my bed the other day and noticed I missed one block.  So I'm working on that one now.  You can see my post about this HERE.

 The Candy Hearts is still in the hoop waiting to be tied.  I might get to that this week.  I can't seem to make a decision on what color fabric to use for the binding.  I was thinking about light blue or maybe yellow,  but I'm not sure.  I could use a few suggestions....maybe that will get the wheels to moving.

 So my list for November 2nd to November 8th is...

1.  Start sewing Alexis's quilt together.

2.  Tie Candy Hearts.

3.  Start a new project.


  1. Gosh I love that greens on Alexis' quilt! Hmmm, I think either light blue or yellow would work for binding Candy Hearts. Looking forward to seeing your "new project". :D
    Thanks for linking to To Do Tuesday!

  2. Sherrie, I LOVE LOVE Alexis' quilt!!! Love the sunbonnet kids and love the dogs, it's fantastic!!! The candy hearts would look great with either binding but I'm leaning towards the blue! Have a wonderful day and thanks for the inspiration!


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!