Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ashley over at Ramblings and Photos is the host for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  Hop over and see all the pictures everyone is sharing.

Yellow - the twins toys, a lot of them are yellow.

Something that Makes you Smile - my hubby found this in the trash.  I saw it just laying around and said it would look good in my garden.  He put it there for me.  Wondering what the heck it is?  It's a giant Hamster ball, I think.

Ancient/Antique - is this bell that stands in our back yard.  It was made in 1886 by a company in Ohio.  And no we don't ring it very often, it's really loud.

Splash - not very inventive on this one.  Just turned on the faucet.

In The Sun - Bella and Luke playing on the hill.  They went up and down for the longest time.

What to look for next week.

1. Shadow
2. Keys
3. Smile
4. Unedited(SOOC)
5. Fish


  1. Hi ! These are great shots ! thank you for having passed by :)

  2. Really liking all your green grass in abundance. So nice to see.

  3. Nicely done with this week's prompts - I like your antique bell and garden ornament.

  4. What a great set - and it looks like you had a nice week to get outside.


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!