Friday, September 9, 2022


 this quilt top....just have to put a couple cars on the road.  Then it will be a filmsy.  This is my See ya Later Alligator Blog Hop..The story behind this quilt is a trip my hubby and I took about 30 years ago to Canada.  On the way there it was nothing but Pine trees, a kaziillon of them.

Now I need to figure out what to make for the Gremlins and Goblins Blog Hop. 


 I have a couple months to work on this one.  I'll start the goggle process of searching for gremlins and goblins.

In the mean time, I've got some catching up on some of my monthly challenges. But first I've got to cut some Muslin blocks.  And I want to start a new will be Chickens.  But this will be a slow working I'll be working on  it once in a while.

Thursday, September 8, 2022


I've obsessed by this quilt...trying to get it to a filmsy.  The last border is going on now.  This quilt is for the See ya Later Alligator Blog Hop being hosted by  Head over and check out all the folks that are joining.  Here's list of folks that will be posting on Friday...go check them out.

Creatin' in the Sticks - me 

Food For Thought - me

DayBrook Designs 

Just Because Quilts

You can't see it in this picture, but light brown is the last border. Yea!!!  Now maybe I can work on something else.  I really want to make another Alphabet Snowman.  The next letter will "B".  Plus I have to add the cars....2 on each side.

While I was blog hopping yesterday....I saw lots of new ideas for a if I need ideas...that usually gets me in trouble...ha ha

The one that caught my eye was a Cup quilt.  It was so cute!  In the mean time, I've still got the Red Work quilt in the hoop to be tied...only have a couple more rows to do.  Then the Boo quilt goes in the hoop.  This  won't take long to's a small quilt.

I also need to make my Blue birdhouse for RSC 2020.  And my National Day Lama needs done for September.  But, I'll finish up the See ya Later Alligator quilt...I need to put a couple cars on the road.  Plus I want to make a couple table runners with orange...

I've got a lot of orange fat quarters.  I sorted them out last night.

So I've plenty to keep me busy.  Have a wonderful.......

I'm linking up with....

I Like Thursday

Needle and Tread Thursday

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 came out last night.  Remember the See ya Later Alligator quilt I'm working, well here it is with the BIG boo boo.  Hop over and check out these folks post.  Their posts will be for Thursday, August 25th.

Creatin' in the Sticks - me,Quilted Delights,,,,Just Because Quilts

Both sides have 5 blocks, but as you can see it's not right.  So last night I ripped the trees off and separated all the trees.  Found the problem, some of the blocks are 8" and some are 8 1/2".  

I sorted through them and found enough the right size and sewed them on.

Next comes the water, representing Lake Michigan.  With a pretty blue.  I'll cut this into 2" strips and sew them on tonight.

Then to hold it all together will be a brown.  

I'll put a around all that  as the last border, not sure what color I'm using, but I'll figure it out.

Hope you all have a wonderful.....

I'm linking up with...

Wednesday Wait Loss

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 My list from last week....

1.  Get busy and tie the Red Work Quilt.👎

2. Catch up on my TAST stitches.👎

3.  Start cutting fabric for the Snowman Quilt.

 The list isn't very good this week....a squirrel

popped into my sewing room last week...and so the Snowman quilt was born.  Here is my first Alphabet Snowman.....A snowman.

The Red Work quilt is still in the hoop.....still waiting!!!!

 I didn't do any TAST stitches last I'm 8 behind.  I need to cut some 81/2" muslin squares and get these started...or I'm never going to get caught up.  

 This is the last block I did...Week 30, Lock Stitch.

Oh, by the way, you can check out Sharon's TAST over at Pintangle...go check it out.

I did get a few more Granny Squares done for the Crochet Along.  I need  to sew 4 more onto this row.

My To-Do list for

September 6gh through September 12th

1. Make more Alphabet Snowmen.


3.  Do TAST stitches catch up.

4. More Granny Squares.

5. Do some more Down on the Farm blocks.

That's it's for today...have an awesome.... 

I'm linking up with....

To-Do Tuesday


Monday, September 5, 2022


 I've got a new quilt I'm working's and Alphabet Snowman.  The first one is done...just have to add the embroidery to it.

This is "A"...snowman.  

And I've got Block 2 done of Down on the Farm....

And I'm working on Block 3 now.  Not sure where this quilt is going right now, I'm just enjoying the embroidery work.  Have an awesome.....

The big Cedar Tree out front is loaded with Pine Cones this year.

 Have an awesome....

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 My stitching to do today is going to be my Snowman.  I finally got my fabric cut and my first Snowman is ready to sew down.

I still need to fix my See ya Alligator quilt.  I'm not sure what went wrong.....but is is really you see the boo boo?  I'm going to have to rip it apart and start over.....The trees are throwing the whole thing off.  So off they go!

If I have time I'll make some more little stars. Or crochet some more Granny Squares.  That's is for today...hope you all have a stitching.....

I'm linking up with....

Slow Sunday Stitching

Oh Scrap

15 Minutes to Stitch

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 Over at Teas Quilt's To-Do Tuesday.  Here's my list from last week.

1. Finish the Red Work Quilt!!👎

2. Finish block 1 of Down on the Farm...and start the 2nd block

 3. TAST....wk 26..Barb Stitch.👎

4. Start the Alphabet Snowman Quilt.👎

5.  Work on my See ya Later Alligator Quilt.

The Red Work Quilt is still in the hoop...I really need to get that one done.  I've got 3 more waiting to be put in the hoop.

The first block of Down on The Farm series is done, I've started the 2nd's almost done.


No TAST stitches, I'm behind 6 stitches to do.  Speaking of TAST...the new stitch today is the Alternating Up and Down Stitch.  You can see this at Pintangle.

I kind of got a few items done for my Alphabet Snowman Quilt.  I got my pretty blue fabric a couple of days ago...this is what I'm going to put the Snowmen on.

 My See ya Later Alligator quilt is coming along.  But....I've hit a boo boo that needs corrected. So I'll see what I can do with this.  It may get put in the "forgotten" box for a while.

To-Do Tuesday, August 30th through September 5th

1.  Get busy and tie the Red Work Quilt.

2. Catch up on my TAST stitches.

3.  Start cutting fabric for the Snowman Quilt.

Have an awesome....

Sunday, August 28, 2022


 I finished my first Down on the Farm block....I've started the second one too.

Down on the Farm 1

Down on the Farm 2...I'll be stitching on this today.

I have a lot of 2 1/2" squares of muslin....I didn't know what to do with I started making stars.

Don't know what I'm going to use them for, but I'll figure out something.  I've got 4 I'll be working on these today  Maybe a Wall hanging would work!

 I'm linking up with:

Slow Sunday Stitching

Oh! Scrap

Well, that's all I've got today.  Hope you all an awesome sewing.....

Saturday, August 27, 2022


 I've been working on several things.....trying to catch up on my monthly challenges..  I got my Color Challenge for August done.  The color is purple, but it looks like's a deep purple.

 I also got my for RSC 2022.. August Birdhouse..

And the Red Work quilt is still in the hoop.  Every time I walk past it, I put a stitch in.  This is my August UFO.  So I better get busy and get it done. 

I've also got the last of the trees done for my See Ya Later Alligator all pinned, and ready to sew and got the white strip pinned. 


This is what I'll be working on today.  And finishing up my Down on the Farm embroidery piece so I can start the next one...which will be a nesting hen.   There is a small area to the left that needs to finished up.

Well, I've got a lot of sewing to do, so better get to it.  Hope you all have a wonderful....


Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 WWW Wednesday.... Just answer the three questions.

 What are you currently reading?  

A Dying Fall by Elly Griffiths

What did you recently finish reading?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Bk6 by Jeff Kinny

What do you think you’ll read next?

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.  Can you figure out what it is!!!  If not, send me an e mail and I'll tell you.