Wednesday, August 30, 2017


I was blog hopping last week and found a CAL(Crochet Along) that I want to do.  I'm a really a slow crocheter, so who knows when it will be done.  This is the list of blogs I hopped and their links.....

Heather over at Books and Quilts, she hosts Needlework Tuesday.  From there I hopped over to Lin's place St Victor Quilts, that's where I saw the CAL, Lin is working on this.  Then I went to Sharmayne's, over at Country Fragrance, she is hosting the CAL. Sharmayne started this blanket for her granddaughter and asked if anyone else might like to join in.  She has the pattern that you can copy and paste, then print.  So if you want to join in, hop over to Sharmane's place and check it out.

I've got a lot of little balls of yarn to work on this, but haven't yet figured out the rest of the color scheme.  This is just part of my stash of yarn.  
I'll be posting about my progress a long the way.  I might get this done someday.............


  1. A little bit, everyday, is the best way to get a big project finished. Enjoy the process. I look forward to updayes.

  2. The CAL will be a lovely flower garden when done. Each block you complete will be one step closer to finish.

    Thanks for linking up with Needlework Tuesday.


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!