Friday, September 23, 2011


This is something I've been working on. I've joined up with a group at Raverly. It is called A Year of Projects. Here is a little info on what this is.

On July 1/2011 (or something close to that) post all the patterns you’ve picked on your blog.
Every Sunday after that we can post about the progress/frustration/insanity related to committing to a certain number of projects and a public timeline. (If you miss the Sunday post, don’t worry. New threads will be started every week and you can post links there.)

I had to post about this doily I've been working on. It's driving me nuts. You may remember a couple months ago I was working on a doily. Well let me tell you, that was the doily from He@*. I don't know if it was the pattern or me, but I just couldn't get it to come out right. I ripped the darn thing out 4 times. And somehow I got 9 pineapples and there is only suppose to be 8. Then it started puckering up. So I ripped out the pineapple all the way back to where it started. That's the doily I have now. It's a pretty little doily the way it is. It's on my desk and looks pretty good there.

It's supposed to look like the one on the lower left of this booklet. The lavender one.

Well it didn't turn out like that. This is what mine looks like now.

And here it is on my desk.

The next doily will be May. It's a pretty light yellow doily and it's a traditional pineapple doily. It's called a Sunburst Doily. The finished size is 18"(35.5cm) diameter. It uses Bedspread Weight Cotton Thread(size 10). I will be starting it this weekend hopefully. This is the one I'm going to be working on.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Even if it didn't turn out like the picture, at least you finished it. I just can't seem to use thread or the tiny hooks :)


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