Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm joining Susan over at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday. Got some outdoor pictures to share? Head over and check out all the pictures everyone is sharing today.

We have Maple trees around our house. They are beautiful right now. All except one. It has been teetering on falling for the last couple of years. Well it finally fell a couple weeks ago. Thankfully it just missed the garage.

Now comes the work of cutting it up and carrying away all the brush. My hubby is doing the brush and cutting up the small pieces. He doesn't have a big enough saw to do the large pieces. The neighbor has one and he's cutting it up and splitting it. He gets to keep what he cuts. So it's a win win for both.


  1. So glad the tree missed your garage! I've experienced a similar situation and I understand the work involved in the clean up. How nice your neighbor is willing to help and be blessed as well. Your grandbabies are adorable, too, btw!
    Lynn :)

  2. Very scary -- that was a really big tree! The maples around here are beginning to look really pretty right now -- one of the nicest things about this time of year.

    Happy Wednesday, and have a great week!
    ~ Joy @ Joysweb

  3. Oh boy, that was lucky that it missed the garage and everyone. Glad you are OK. Now, so much work.

  4. We have a lot of old trees in our yard so we're used to down trees and limbs. Glad it didn't damage anything. Pretty yard!


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!