Sunday, August 9, 2015

Scavenger Hunt Sunday....

Ashley over at Ramblings & Photos is the host for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  Hop over and check out everyone's hunt.
These are my interpretations....

This is a quilt I'm working on.  I found the pattern at Pinterest.  Which lead me to Mama Love Quilts.  She made a table runner, but I'm going to make it into a quilt.


Had to Google this word, wasn't sure what it was.  Wiki is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens.  Not too sure this qualifies, but it's OK with me.

A Game....
I play on my computer, it's called Puzzle Express.  You can download it for free.

is Bella playing with the pillows.  I usually have a pink pillow behind me.  Bella has the blue pillow and the green pillow is for Bub.  Bella takes my pink pillow and replaces it with the blue one.  Then I say "Where's my pink pillow" and she switches them back.

My Everyday...
Is doing dishes.  I hate doing dishes, I've been doing dishes since I was 6 years old.  That's a lot of dishes.

What to look for next week...
1. Starts with S
2.  Leading Lines
3.  Powerful
4.  Frozen
5.  Daily Task


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!