Saturday, July 16, 2016


We have 2 dogs.  One is a Miniature Dachshund(Toby) and the other is a Mastiff/ Labrador mix(Bob).   During the week of July 4th the fireworks were going off all around us.  The dogs did not like the fireworks.  They would find hiddey holes to escape to.  Got a picture of them hiding out upstairs in the twins room.  The look frightened in this picture.
They both love being outside, but they refused to go outside for very long.  They would hear a firework go off and ran back in the house.

I'm linking up with West Metro Mommy for Saturday Snapshot.


  1. Oh, how great they found a hiding place! Thanks for sharing, and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  2. Poor dogs. My dog hates fireworks, too, but he generally runs toward the sound and barks. July 4th can be a loooong night at our house.

  3. I don't blame them...I'm not wild about fireworks either!

  4. I certainly agree- I'm not fond of fireworks either....

  5. My dogs are the same way. And ditto for thunderstorms! : )

  6. I didn't much like some of the fireworks around our house, either, so I'm in complete sympathy with your dogs.

  7. Poor pups! My cat did not do well with the fireworks either.

  8. Poor pups! My cat did not do well with the fireworks either.


Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!