Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 It's showing signs of Spring here.  Temps in the 50's and 60's.  Lots of rainy day, with lots of sunny days.  Which is a great combination for growing.  The Tulips are up, no buds yet, and the Daffodils have bloomed and gone.  My Forsythia Bush is blooming.

 The leaves are starting to pop out on the Maple trees.  This picture isn't very good to show the leaves, but believe me, they are there.  

While I was out roaming around the yard, I saw something red in the Maple was a Red Headed Woodpecker.  He was pecking away at the tree.

As for quilts....I put the last side of binding on the Frog Quilt last night.  It will be finished post about this will be up tomorrow.  

I'm linking to:

My Corner of the World

Wednesday Wait Loss

I'm Following A Tree

Hope you all have a........

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Hello everyone,

How has your week been going.  I've been sidetracked by my Frog quilt, so didn't get a lot done.  The Frog quilt needs one more side of binding and the label.

Here's my list from last week.

Ooops, I didn't make a list.  I'm working on my list from March 23rd.  It was a long list.

1.  Get the outside border on Salt and Sand.

2.  Fix the Tile Quilt.👎

3. Sandwich Teapots👎 and Frogs.

4. Put more rows on the Afghan👎

5. Embroider the next block for TAST.👎

6. Cut blocks for In The Kitchen Blog Hop.✔

7. Start my Table Runner.✔      

I got 4 of the things on my list done.

Salt and Sand went another way.  This is what I have right now...the outside border is going to have fish on it.  The black and gray shapes are River Mussels.  Have to put some embroidery on those.

As I said, The Frogs are almost done.

I'm at a stand still on the In The Kitchen Blog Hop.  I've got one block done, but I want to use some red gingham in this quilt, but I don't have any...I'll have to make a trip to Hobby Lobby.  This is all I've got done for this quilt.

My Table Runner is coming along...almost have the center embroidered.


My embroidery stitches are done using the Back Stitch.  You can find a stitch dictionary at Sharon's place, Pintagle.

My list for March 30th through April 4th.

1.  Finish the Frog Quilt.

2. Sandwich Teapot Quilt

3. Cut Binding for Teapot Quilt

4. Finish the Tile Quilt

5. Work more on the Table Runner.

I'm linking to:

Tuesday To-Do

Sunday, March 28, 2021


 stitching.  It's cold and windy right now, and it's suppose to rain later this evening.  So I'll be stitching today on my Table Runner.

I'll work on the Table Runner this afternoon.  And this evening I'll be finishing up the binding on the Frogs.  I'm so glad I went with the yellow, it really makes the quilt pop.

I'm at a stand still on my In the Kitchen project.  I've got 1 block done....and I'm at a total loss as to what I want to do with this quilt.  Hopefully something will come to me later.  Any suggestions???

I'm linking to:

Slow Sunday Stitching

Oh Scraps

15 Minutes to Stitch

Patchwork Quilts

Friday, March 26, 2021


 yes they are sandwiched and tied.  

 Now for the decision of what fabric to bind them in.  I originally wanted to use this one....the green on the bottom right.  But I think that would be way tooooo much green, as the borders on the quilt are different greens. 

So I pulled a few more choices of fabric...this is what I came up with.

The to back one is NOT red, the camera thinks it is.  Its a brown print.  Of all these, I'm leaning toward the yellow,, which is the one that looks orange.  I'm looking for a little help here, let me know what one you like.  

I'm linking to:

Brag About Your Beauties

Peacock Party


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What Happened to Monday and Tuesday......

 I had every intention of posting my To-Do Tuesday yesterday.  But I got sidetracked by company and house chores.  So I guess I'll go today.

1.  Get the outside border on Salt and Sand.👎

2.  Fix the Tile Quilt.👎

3. Sandwich Teapots👎 and Frogs.

4. Put more rows on the Afghan👎

5. Embroider the next block for TAST.👎

6. Cut blocks for In The Kitchen Blog Hop.👎

7. Start my Table Runner.👎

Well, as you can see...this list was a bust.  I had a "squirrel" interruption.  I've wanted to make a Band Sampler for years.  And I found someone who is doing a Sampler Challenge.  Mary Corbet over at Needle and Thread is doing a Band Sampler Challenge.  Sharon over at Pintangle has joined in on this challenge also.  So that's what I was doing last week.  

I did get the Frogs sandwiched and tied.  I be making the binding today and getting started on that. 

I'm so behind on everything I wanted to get done.  So no more "Squirrel" interruptions.  I've got to sandwich the Teapot Quilt.  And I really need to get some muslin cut for blocks.  

I started my Salt and Sand project a couple weeks ago.  But sorry to say it didn't get worked on either.  I was waiting on fabric to arrive, it took 2 weeks to get here.  So that slowed me down on this project.  Did anyone else do this Blog Hop??  You can see the list of everyone who is doing this over at Just Let Me Quilt.

I'm linking to:

To-Do Tuesday

Needle and Thread


Salt and Sand Blog Hop

Wednesday Wait Loss

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 it's sunny out today, 😁 the temp is 55 weather app says we will get up to 65 today.  YEA...I'm ready for warmer weather.

 I stumbled onto a blog one day while I was blog hopping.  It's over at Needle and Thread...and the blogger  is Mary Corbet.  She has put out a challenge to's to stitch on a Band Sampler for the year.  I've always wanted to do a Band I decided to join in. 

I've started my Band Sampler.....what the heck is a Band Sampler?  You can find out here.   I bought some 32 ct. Linen and cut my band 12 inches wide.  It's also a little long, I'm going to have to cut it, it's way to cumbersome to work with.

 The first stitch I learned to embroider was the Buttonhole Stitch...I though it was appropriate to put that as my first stitch...the next line is Fly Stitch and Bullion Knots.  What are the circles for?  They are going to be Buttonhole Wheels.  While taking this picture I noticed my line of Fly Stitch is not straight.  I'm having trouble keeping the lines straight.  I haven't got a fabric marker at this I've been using a pencil.  Which is ok if the stitch covers the line.  But if not, it leaves a mark you can see.  So I guess I'm going to have to send someone to buy me one.  

As for quilting, a friend came by yesterday and brought me a surprise.  A tin full of tiny.....

Hexies, squares and triangles.  I sorted them all out and hoping I can do something with them.  The lady who sent them started a hexie quilt....


So maybe I'll just continue with that.  I think I'll work on my Band Sampler today.  And keep thinking about what to do with the hexies.  What are you working on today?

I'm linking to:

Slow Sunday Stitching

Oh Scrap

15 Minutes to Stitch

Patchwork and Quilts


Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 My list from last week....

1.  Finish binding Overall Sam.

2.  Make 2 more Tile Blocks.

3.  Put the Red Work together.👎

4. Put the outer border on the Salt and Sand Quilt.👎

5. Put a few more rows on my Ripple Afghan

Well, I think I did pretty good this week...3 of 5 done.

I've seen lots of folks using "squirrel" for some of their quilting was driving me crazy trying to figure out what the heck this was.  So I Googled it.  Here is what I found.

"A squirrel is a sudden distraction that pulls us away from projects already underway. Something so exciting that we drop what we're doing to enjoy the unexpected."

Wow...I've been doing this for years and didn't even know it!  Well, no squirrels for me right now.  Just trying to finish up some projects. 

1. Overall Sam is finished...


2. Got the Tile quilt blocks done and started the process of adding strips...and found an OOOOPS...Do you see it??

 That top row has to come off, the strip on the left corner is throwing off the whole thing.  So Mr. Seam Ripper will be busy today.

3.  I started putting the Red Work together and found I haven't got enough blocks to make it.  So plan B.....I'm going to figure out how to work the Blue Work into this.  

4.  I was waiting on fabric for the Salt and Sand came this past weekend.  I'll be working on this one this week.

5.  I got a couple more rows on the Afghan last night.  This picture is showing all kinds of wacky colors on this afghan.  I had just started the medium gray.  So I got 10 rows added on.

The camera is showing the gray area as white and the blue is green.  My list for.....

March 17th through March 23rd

1.  Get the outside border on Salt and Sand.

2.  Fix the Tile Quilt.

3. Sandwich Teapots and Frogs.

4. Put more rows on the Afghan.

5. Embroider the next block for TAST.

6. Cut blocks for In The Kitchen Blog Hop.

7. Start my Table Runner.

I'm linking up with:

To-Do Tuesday

In The Kitchen Blog Hop 


Monday, March 15, 2021


 My project for the March WOOFA will be the Tea Pots Quilt.  It needs to be sandwiched, tied and bound.

This is also my OMG project for March.


Sunday, March 14, 2021


 Yea, Overall Sam is finally done.....Well almost.... Just have to finish sewing the label on.  But I'm still counting it as DONE.  This quilt is on my OPAM and WOOFA list.  So this one can be taken off the list.

The next quilt to get sandwiched is the Teapot and Frog Quilts.  I'll be working on them this week.

As for today, I'll be putting the Tile Quilt's finishing touches on.  I have to finish a couple more blcoks and put the strips on and this one will be a filmsy.

Are you joining the Blogging from A to Z challenge?  

 Hop over and check it out.  I'll be joining, I'll be doing embroidery work for this.  Hope to see you there.

I'm linking to:



Slow Sunday Stitching

15 Minutes to Stitch

Patchwork & Applique

Blogging from A to Z


Saturday, March 13, 2021


 I've got several items to work on today....

Finish Overall Sam...the last edge of binding is on...this is #8 on my PHD list.

My National Day Calendar block for March is's Fly a Kite Month.

Still working on the Tile Blocks...I've got 1 pinned...just need to sew the pieces down and this block will be done.  Then I can finish this into a filmsy.

Also working on my TAST(Take a Stitch Tuesday), that is  hosted by Sharon over at Pintangle.  I'm embroidering the stitch of the week onto blocks to make a quilt out of them.  This week's stitch is the Chevron Stitch.  I'm working on the Portuguese Stem Stitch.

I almost forgot about RSC 2021, the color this month is green...

 And I will be playing with my new.......

sewing machine arrived's a Brother GX37 Lightweight.  I got it from Amazon...the link will take you to the sewing machine I bought....I haven't got an affiliation with Amazon,  just thought you might want to check it out.  What are you doing on this spring like day??

Linking to:




RSC 2021 

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Over at Lee Anne's place, Not Afraid of Color, I Like Thursday is up and running.  Lee Anne is having computer problems...haven't we all had that problem...hope she gets her computer up and running soon.

As for my computer,  what do I do with my computer?  Play games, store quilt stuff and lots of other  of other things I collect. 

 I play lots of games, but when I'm on a break from house chores, I play Spider Solitaire.

This is where I store all my files..It is in a file on my computer listed as Sherrie's Stuff.  I also watch t.v. on my computer.  I have several on line streaming places I watch.

 And how do I keep my computer updated and running... I have a live in computer son.  He keeps all the computers in our house up and running of which there are about 10 or so of them running.  6 of them are his work computers. 

As for Quilting this week...I have the third side of binding on the Overall Sam Quilt.  This is for Put Your Foot Down.

I can finally get a few Filmsy's together, my batting arrived yesterday. 


 Do you have left over pieces of batting?  I have several bags of it.  Some are bigger and some are small.  I cut the small pieces up and use it for stuffing.  And I save the larger pieces and sew them together and make a piece large enough for a quilt.

I also got some new fabrics to play with.  That dark green one in the upper right corner is the backing for my Frog quilt.  

I am always down loading free quilt patterns.  I print them, cut them out and put them in file folders.  I got a box to store them in.  I dressed up the box a little and now my files have a place of their own.

Sorry about this post being so long, I was in a chatty mood today.  Hope you all