My list from last week....
1. Finish binding Overall Sam.✔
2. Make 2 more Tile Blocks.✔
3. Put the Red Work together.👎
4. Put the outer border on the Salt and Sand Quilt.👎
5. Put a few more rows on my Ripple Afghan✔
Well, I think I did pretty good this week...3 of 5 done.
I've seen lots of folks using "squirrel" for some of their quilting was driving me crazy trying to figure out what the heck this was. So I Googled it. Here is what I found.
"A squirrel is a sudden
distraction that pulls us away from projects already underway. Something
so exciting that we drop what we're doing to enjoy the unexpected."
Wow...I've been doing this for years and didn't even know it! Well, no squirrels for me right now. Just trying to finish up some projects.
1. Overall Sam is finished...
2. Got the Tile quilt blocks done and started the process of adding strips...and found an OOOOPS...Do you see it??
That top row has to come off, the strip on the left corner is throwing off the whole thing. So Mr. Seam Ripper will be busy today.3. I started putting the Red Work together and found I haven't got enough blocks to make it. So plan B.....I'm going to figure out how to work the Blue Work into this.
4. I was waiting on fabric for the Salt and Sand came this past weekend. I'll be working on this one this week.
5. I got a couple more rows on the Afghan last night. This picture is showing all kinds of wacky colors on this afghan. I had just started the medium gray. So I got 10 rows added on.
The camera is showing the gray area as white and the blue is green. My list for.....March 17th through March 23rd
1. Get the outside border on Salt and Sand.
2. Fix the Tile Quilt.
3. Sandwich Teapots and Frogs.
4. Put more rows on the Afghan.
5. Embroider the next block for TAST.
6. Cut blocks for In The Kitchen Blog Hop.
7. Start my Table Runner.
I'm linking up with:
To-Do Tuesday
In The Kitchen Blog Hop