Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 so it's time for my To-Do Tuesday, being hosted by Linda.  Here is last weeks list.

1.Work on SAHRR center panel.

2. Do Wk 20 of TAST👎

3. Do more Hand Picked blocks.

4. Cut Blue Baskets.

5. Work on Quilty 365

 The SAHRR center panel is coming along.  I've gotten side tracked on this one.  But I'll get back to it soon.

Well, I did pretty good with this weeks list, 4 of 5 done.  That's pretty good for me.  As for the TAST stitches 19 and 20, Oyster stitch and the Basque stitch isn't getting done.  I've tried for 2 weeks to get these 2 stitches, I've wore out several pieces of Muslin doing these 2 stitches, so I've given up.  So I'll move on to Wk 21, which is the Raised Herringbone Band.  It involves 2 stitches and lacing.  Just click on the link above to see this stitch tutorial.

 as for the Hand Picked blocks, I didn't get any actually done, but I have several traced.  So I'm counting this as done.


My Blue Basket have turned pink.  I was digging around in my blues and didn't think I had enough to work on this, so they are now going to be pink.  They will be different pinks....you can see my post about this HERE.

 I got the last row of Quilty 365 done, but when I went looking for the pink fabric I used for the strips, well, there was none. 

  I've searched hi and low on the internet looking for it, but, nope haven't found any.  So the last strip will have to be a different color.  Any suggestions!!!!

While I blog hopping I found a Crochet-a-Long....I think I'll join in. 
 To-Do List for May 21st through June 2nd

1. Make some more Flag blocks.

2. Do TAST wk 21, Raised Herringbone Band.

3. Make a decision on pink strip.

4. Sandwich a quilt.

5. Work on Hand Picked Blocks

6. Do more Pink Baskets.

7.  Make Summer Color Granny Squares.

Monday, May 30, 2022


I've been working on my little pink baskets.  I've got 3 finished.  


And I've got several more pinned.  Ready to sew down.  I've also got 2 more Flags done for my niece, Zoe.

My son came home from visiting the garden center with this beauty....it's a Dahlia.

It will be added to the front garden  in a few days.  When it's done blooming, I'll get to see it again next year as it's an annual.

I'm linking to....

Monday Making

Nature Notes

Have a great....

Sunday, May 29, 2022


 I spent the morning cutting fabric.  I just bought some very pretty green.



..I need this to work on my niece's quilt...it's Flags.  She is in her High School band.  She's one of the people that throws the flags and batons at football games. This is one of the Flags I have made.

 ...I also started cutting out my baskets...I was going to make blue baskets, but I got this bundle of pinks a few months ago....so my baskets will be pink.  I've got several cut out. And one is sewed down.  I'll be working on the baskets today.

Well, I guess that's it for now....have an awesome sewing.....

I'm linking up with....

Slow Sunday Stitching

Oh! Scraps

15 Minutes to Stitch

Patchwork Quilts

Thursday, May 26, 2022


 I like that I finally got the last row on my Quilty 365 done....now I have to rummage around in my bins and boxes to see if  I've got any of the pink fabric.  If not......well I don't know!!!  The bottom row of the quilt may have a different color of pink.  In this picture the bottom row is on the right.

I got the farmer started on my SAHRR quilt.  I also put some garden sign posts on it.  I really want to get this one done....it's almost a filmsy.

 I've been watching Criminal Intent in the evening while working on a quilt.  I really like this t.v. program and the actors.

I'm reading Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg.  I didn't think I'd like this book....but I kept reading and it's interesting to see how this little town works.  It has lots of colorful residents. 

I need to get my Band Sampler out and work on it...it's been awhile since I did.  I think I'll work on this tonight. 

I'm linking up with....

Not Afraid of Color

Put Your Foot Down

Needle and Thread Thursday

 Well that's it for today.  Have a great.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 My To-Do Tuesday list this week is a total big fat O....I didn't get anything on my list done.  Here's my list from last week.

1.  Start sewing down the Farmer on SAHRR👎

2. Put the last row on Quilty 365👎

3. Do Wk. 19 for TAST, Oyster Stitch.👎

4. This one is a maybe...sandwich a couple quilts.👎

I did get my farmer pattern cut out....and pinned to the fabric.  I'll start working on him today.

I'll finish up the TAST Wk 19 Oyster stitch.....This is the tree...the Oyster Stitch are the leaves.


.and start the new one for Wk 20...Basque Stitch.

My Hand Picked quilt was also neglected.  This is the last one I done.  My needles are threaded and ready to get busy...just have to trace the design on.

My To-Do Tuesday for May 24 through May 30th.

1.Work on SAHRR center panel.

2. Do Wk 20 of TAST

3. Do more Hand Picked blocks.

4. Cut Blue Baskets.

5. Work on Quilty 365.

That's it for today....have and great sewing.....


Sunday, May 22, 2022


 I haven't got any quilty stuff that really needs done today or any time soon.  So I've got some free time to work on what ever I want.  I have some embroidery to catch up on. My TAST stitch for this week....the Oyster Stitch...I've got my design part way done....just have to add the Oyster stitch.  This is the design I'm using.  I'll be finishing this up today.

  I've also got to cut some basket's to start my basket quilt.  I also need to sandwich a couple quilts, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.  I need room to pull my cutting table out...so that means re-arranging my little quilt room.  And I can't do that with the grandkids home...one of them has his computer here in my quilt room, along with mine...they only have 4 days of school left....then out for the summer.  

So I think I'll work on my afghan today.  It's getting bigger, but I haven't worked on it for a while.  I ran out of the orange yarn and didn't get any until a couple weeks ago.  I also picked up a couple more colors to add to this afghan.  This is going to be a lap Afghan, so it doesn't have to be too much bigger.

I have a stack of 4 1/2" blocks cut out for something, not sure what I was going to do with these.  But I'll figure out something to use them for.  Maybe some embroidery or a small applique will work.

Well, that's it for today....have a wonderful stitching.....

I'm linking up with.....

Slow Sunday Stitching

15 Minutes to Stitch

Saturday, May 21, 2022


I started this quilt in 1916, so it's been in the making for a while.  I've used all scraps for this quilt...so I thought it would be appropriate to share it for Scrap Happy Saturday, being hosted over at So Scrappy. My  Crazy Quilt is in the hoop to be tied.  Couldn't use yarn..I'm going through 5 layers of fabric, and the yarn wouldn't go....so I had to use a thinner tying material.  I am using Doily thread.  It's thin enough to go through the fabric.  I just started tying it a couple days ago, so haven't gotten very far.

I've also been working on my Tiny Tiles quilt.  I've added 6 more to my pile.

I'm going to have to make some decisions on how to put this together.  I know I'll be adding a strip between the rows.  But with all the different colors....I'll have to lay some out to see what color to use.  Any and all suggestions are welcome.  Have a wonderful......

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 It's Tuesday, so it's time to put up my To-Do Tuesday list, which is hosted by Linda over at her place, Texas Quilt Gal.  Hop over and see what everyone has worked on this week.

May 10th through May 17th

1.  Start working on center block of SAHRR.✔

2. Put the last row on Quilty 365👎

3. Embroider more blocks for Hand Picked.👎

I've got one more side to finish the embroidery on SAHRR.  Then I can start working on the center block.  Yesterday I cut the pieces for the farmer, the seeds and the dirt for the seeds.  

I didn't even pick up the Quilty 365


 or work on the Hand Picked quilt. 

 It's been a crazy week!  I haven't felt good and I just haven't been in the mood to work on a quilt.  I'm hoping this "bump in the road" doesn't last long and I can actually get something done this coming week.

Over at Pintangle it's TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday)....I'm finally all caught up on my stitches.  The stitch this week is the Oyster Stitch.  So I'll be working on this.  Here are the stitches I've got done.

Wk 15 Butterfly Chain

Wk 16 /Coral Stitch

Wk 17 Bullion Knot

Wk 18 Arrow Stitch

If you want to see any of the pictures larger, just click on them.

To-Do Tuesday

May 17th through May 23rd

1.  Start sewing down the Farmer on SAHRR

2. Put the last row on Quilty 365

3. Do Wk. 19 for TAST, Oyster Stitch.

4. This one is a maybe...sandwich a couple quilts.

Have a Wonderful......

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

TO-DO LIST......

 My To-Do List last week....

1.  Do the TAST stitch for Wks. 16, Coral Stitch and 17,  Bullion Knot.👎

2. Work some more on SAHRR.

3. Finish putting Quilty 365 together. 👎

4.  Do some more embroidery on my new project. (I'll have pictures next week.

 I didn't get my TAST stitches done. You can see the TAST stitches over at Pintangle.  Sharon has a new stitch every Tuesday.  Now I've got 3 to catch up on.

I've got all the bugs sewed down on SAHRR...just have to finish up the embroidery.  Then on to the middle block.  I know there will be a farmer and some seeds...I'll have to see what else will be there.

I didn't get Quilty 365 done.  I've had to do some adjustments to this.  I started this project in 2016, when i first started quilting...long before I knew about 1/4" seam allowances.  So there are some puckers and other boos boos along the way.  But I'm making progress, I got October, November and December done.  And I started adding the pink strip between them.

My new project is called Hand Picked...it's in Issue 176 of American Patchwork & Quilting, page 84.

I got 3 blocks embroidered.  I'm not going to fast on this one.  

I was going to use these orange squares, but I'm really NOT  liking the way they look with the other blocks.  I really want to use light colors for them.  So I'll have to search my fabric for some light colors.

Now for my list for next week...

1.  Start working on center block of SAHRR.

2. Put the last row on Quilty 365

3. Embroider more blocks for Hand Picked.

4. Catch up on my monthly challenges. RSC 2022, Color Challenge and National Day Calendar.  Hopefully I'll have some new blocks to show you next week.  Hope you all have great stitching.....

I'm linking up with....

To-Do Tuesday


Monday, May 9, 2022


put my 12" Crazy Quilt in the quilt hoop.  Tried to start to tie it, but yarn was  too thick to go through the 5 layers.  So had to find something else to tie it with.  I went with a number 10 crochet cotton thread.  Went right through all those layers.  This is a rather big quilt, so it will take a while to tie it.  Plus I'm putting a few extra ties along the way to make sure it stays together.

This quilt has been ready to tie for awhile...but I've been putting it off.  I knew it was going to be a hard one to tie.  With all the fabric and decorations on it, I have to re-think my tying .  And  think before I tie!

Remember when I posted this picture...

 I finally figured out what it is.  It's the dead head of the  Live Forever flower.  This is the clump of Sedum in my flower bed.  Want to know more about this plant....just click HERE to find out all the info on this plant.

Have a great...

I'm linking up with

Monday Making

Wandering Camera

Sunday, May 8, 2022



Today I'm doing nothing but work on a couple quilts....that means no dishes, laundry, or cleaning up messes.  What will I be working on, you might ask.  I have to finish my birdhouse for RSC 2022.  I also have a couple blocks to re-do.  Wrong words and leaf for the jars...it's for the Color Challenge I'm working on.  I also need to work on my TAST stitches.....I'm behind.  I have the Coral Stitch and the Bullion stitches to do.   

I was getting out all the quilt tops that need to be sandwiched this morning. This is all of those tops.

Since I finally made it to Hobby Lobby last week, I'll be putting a coupe of these together in the coming weeks.  

Boo Quilt

Alexis's Quilt

Red Work Quilt

So that's what my plans are....we'll see how far this goes.  I sometimes get distracted by those sneaky squirrels.

Hope you all have.....

I'm linking to....

Slow Stitching Sunday

Oh! Scraps